Accessing New Markets with SATCOM-BLUE

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

The advent of publicly available, internet-based communication changed everything. From the early days of ARPANET in the 1960s up to the present, international computer networking has propelled globalization in ways that no one could have anticipated. It should come as no surprise when I say that the modern, developed world exists because of and is totally dependent on a globally available internet.

Through that internet, modern societies conduct business, interact socially, transact financially, and access resources for a more well-rounded education. Perhaps most important among these is our ability to reliably transact. It is through online resources developed for banking, shopping, investing, and directly communicating, that businesses as a whole have managed to expand their collective footprint into new market territories at staggering rates. With easy access to international networks, even small organizations located in rural areas are able to interact with international markets and market places in order to compete with their major competitors.

Because of the unprecedented exposure they have to those global markets, small-town retailers in Missoula, Montana, USA are able to sell products to customers in Chiang Rai, Thailand. Similarly, a small CPA firm located in Meridian, Mississippi, USA can hire specialty tax accountants out of a staffing organization located in New Delhi, India.

Photo by Tejj on Unsplash

Photo by Tejj on Unsplash

The bottom line here is that a globally available internet opens new opportunities and new potential that we as a species have yet to imagine.

Our goal with the SATCOM-BLUE project is to build technology that will expand global markets into new territories. Our network hardware will make it possible for individuals and businesses to join the party, even from the most remote of locations…regardless of their access to municipal resources like power grids and traditional copper-based communication lines.

With SATCOM-BLUE, we intend to bring internet-based resources to every corner of the Earth…and who knows…maybe one day we’ll reach out even farther…


The (not so) World Wide Web